My dear extraordinary youth, you were sent to earth at this precise time, the most crucial time in the history of the world, to help gather Israel. There is nothing happening on this earth right now that is more important than that. There is nothing of greater consequence. Absolutely nothing.This gathering should mean everything to you. This is the mission for which you were sent to earth. So my question to you is “Are you willing to enlist in the youth battalion of the Lord to help gather Israel?” Please think about it. -President Russell M. Nelson

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Week 3: Ndriçoni Botën!! (Light the World)

Wassuppp!! This week has been killer!

MTC Culture Zingers:
1. Free cookies n cream chocolate milk from the BYU creamery is a straight blessing
2. The murals in the new buildings are THE BEST. I highly encourage you to take a tour if you haven't seen them. 
3. On Fast Sundays you actually don't get the choice to fast because they actually don't even serve food lol. However, although Fast Sundays may be slow, when you have thousands of missionaries all fasting, you can FEEL power. It's amazing. 

This weeks details: This week was amazing!! I forgot to mention that on Thanksgiving they turned on all of the Christmas lights here at the MTC! There is a beautiful nativity and lights on all the trees. It is absolutely gorgeous. It is a special time to be here at the MTC. We taught our first REAL people this week. One of them was from Albania and her Albanian is so beautiful. The more I learn the language the more I realize how soft and beautiful the Albanian language really is. Fun fact: Albanian's don't refer to their language as Albanian. They refer to their country as Shqiperia and their language as Shqip (pronouced shcheep). We had lots of snow this week and it was beautiful! The two Australian's in our district have never seen snow before so they absolutely LOVED IT. They were going crazy it was so fun. We even bowled in the snow with snowballs and snowball pins. I'm meeting so many amazing friends here and I hope to stay close to them forever! 

Good laughs:
1. My mom sent us this secret elf that we pass between districts in our zone! We hide it in people's pockets or in their classrooms and it's so funny to see how into it everyone gets. We're all terrified to be "elfed". 
2. Our best friends (the Hungarians) leave in 2 weeks so four square has become INTENSE. Our two districts are the best players by far. We are now making killer champion nicknames and we aren't holding anything back. My competitive spirit is flying with high colors out here. It's really the only time that we can actually be competitive so I leave it all on the court haha. 
3. Motra Tolhurst gave a lesson to an investigator and instead of saying, " I will say the prayer." she said, "Une jam lutje." which means I am the prayer. The investigator started giggling and we all thought it was hilarious. Albanian is so difficult but so fun at the same time. 
4. I'm also taking applications for what you think my spirit animal may be. Everyone here thinks I am a golden retriever. Let me know your thoughts. 

Spiritual thoughts:
1. Fast Sunday was amazing. We had fast and testimony meeting and everyone bore their testimonies in their mission languages. The spirit was unbelievably strong in that room. Even though we couldn't understand them, we could feel what they were saying was true and it was so powerful. The Elders speaking Farsi gave the sacrament prayers and bore their testimonies in Farsi and it was crazy. I never thought I would ever hear the sacrament prayers in the Farsi language but here I am. It was amazing. We also heard from the Hungarians, Germans, Albanians, Turkish people, and the ASL missionaries. It was such a powerful day. 
2. On Saturday we prepared a lesson for an investigator. We went into the lesson after much preparation and didn't even use our lesson plan. The spirit guided each person in our companionship to go off the lesson and give a different lesson and commitment. It was crazy how we all knew exactly what to say once we walked into that room. I can testify that the spirit will guide you when you're listening. It was so cool. 
3. Sunday night was the amazing Christmas devotional! If you haven't gotten the chance to watch it I encourage you to do so! President Nelson said, "True disciples of Christ will find unspeakable joy forever." I loved that. 
4. We had a heart to heart in our district and Elder Dixon quoted from someone else saying, "If you're not feeling inadequate you're not doing it right." This inspired us to work harder and more diligently and we have seen so many blessings because of that. 
5. Last but not least, we took a tour to a different building to look at the gorgeous murals at the MTC. Our teacher told us to look at every mural and ponder where the "light" comes from in each mural. After that she wanted us to think about what we could do to "light the world" this Christmas season. As we were walking to the murals an Elder in our district told me he had actually never felt the spirit before (or at least he thought he hadn't. I told him to try praying to our Heavenly Father for help to recognize the spirit when it was near. As we looked at one of the murals he sat down to pray. He said, "Heavenly Father... what would thou havest me do." he didn't get an answer so he asked again saying, "Heavenly Father... what would thou havest me do as THY servant". This time he got an answer as clear as day. The answer said, "Act like it". Since then our district has had many heart to hearts talking about acting like TRUE missionaries and disciples of Jesus Christ. We've decided to ACT more like true disciples. 
6. Motra Kelly (our teacher) told us something amazing this week. We started getting down on ourselves because of the stress of the language. We've learned so much but have so much more to go. She told us that what we have already done is  impossible. She said, "This work is impossible. However, with the Lord on your side anything is possible." We've taken that and ran with it all week and let me be the first to tell you, we are doing the impossible. 

I just want to leave you all with my testimony. I know this church is true. I have a testimony of the Atonement of Jesus Christ and of the Plan of Salvation. I know God knows me and each of you by name. I have a testimony of the power of the Holy Ghost that it will guide you through your trials and struggles. I love this gospel and am so thankful for this opportunity to serve. Continue to Light the World this Christmas season and remember the true meaning of Christmas! I love you all and am so thankful for all the wonderful support I've gotten. Thank you!!

There is this website where you can send me free letters online called! I'm District G. Getting letters and packages are the best so if you get the chance I would love to hear from you!! Also my address is:
Sister Hannah Sutton
2005 N 900 E Unit 306 
Provo Ut 84602


Love, Motra Sëtën

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