Wowzers this week was nuts! So many fun and crazy things
happened it was quite a blast. We had exchanges, walked a TON (the buses still
don't work), made some spicy tacos with members (they weren't actually spicy
cuz that doesn't really exist here), and we got a transfer call! Sister Long is
leaving to my last area, Korça, and I am so sad but so excited for her. We have
been together so long it will be a hard split. I LOVE THAT GIRL. We also met
the family of our friend getting baptized and it was AMAZING. To add to an
1. We have entered into the month of QERSHOR which means it
is the season of QERSHI (cherries). There are cherries everywhere and they are
so scrumptious! Everyone gives them to us for free all the they are so
2. Albanians are very smart when it comes to using natural
resources! They are like wizards! They can make any kind of concotion mixture
that can heal you, cure you, or basically help you in every way.
3. It is really hard to guess the ages of people here! Often
times the younger boys have beards and facial hair and it is so hard to
distiguish their ages. The girls are sooo hard to guess too.
1. This week we were looking for the home of one of our cute
members. Albanians don't have addresses and their apartment buildings rarely
have numbers. If they do have numbers, they change often or they have multiple
apartment numbers. It honestly baffles me. Anyways, as we were wandering around
lost in random streets a big group of 15 kids (ranging from ages 5-11) found
us! They all came running up to us and were touching my hair and wanted to hold
hands and be best friends. They were so stinking cute! They told us the 4
english words they knew (which were hello, goodbye, America, and Jesus) and
then they asked us what we were looking for. We told them we were looking for
Bedrije and they immediately knew where she lived! "Hajdeni!" They
said! (That means come on!) So we walked through the crazy neighborhoods and
hidden dirt paths and found her apartment on the 2nd floor!! The kids started
banging and knocking on the door soo loud and our member came to the door
laughing because of the 15 other house guests we brought with us! They are so
smart hehe and we had so much fun!
2. This week we had exchanges with some other sisters and it
was a blast! We had a lesson out in the sun and it was so nice to be able to
meet another person outside! During our lesson the sun was shining on us and it
was great! It was SO great that I got a tan line in the shape of my braid on my
back haha. My tan lines are coming out absolutely wonderful here. From farmers
tans, teva tans, and braid tans, I am getting my fair share of weird and
awesome tan lines:)
3. Sister Long and I have been serving together for over 6
months now and we are the best of friends! The funniest part is that we
seriously act like an old senior couple and it is hilarious. We find joy in
buying basil plants together, makin dinner, and talking each other
up/motivating one another. In fact, our biggest disagreement we have had has
been whether or not to put the fruits and vegetables or the dairy products in
the drawer in the fridge HAHA. (FYI I won that one because come on.... who puts
dairy products in the big vegetable drawer?). This week we didn't have water
for a few days so she had to wash my hair for me! Hahaha she is the absolute
best. I don't know what I will do without her!!
This week we have seen many of the people we are teaching
change dramatically. The wife of one of our friends said that she could feel
the difference the gospel had on her family. She said that there was more love,
more time spent together, more hope, and that the spirit was there. She noticed
the change!!! She noticed that the gospel truly does bless families. Together,
as a family, they have found the joy and peace that comes from living the
gosel. It is real, and it comes! This change and refinement happens when we
focus on the Atonement of Jezu Krishtit and allow It to heal us. Elder Holland
said, "However late you think you are, however many chances you think you
have missed, however many mistakes you feel you have made or talents you think
you don’t have, or however far from home and family and God you feel you have
traveled, I testify that you have not traveled beyond the reach of divine love.
It is not possible for you to sink lower than the infinite light of Christ’s
Atonement shines." This is so true. It is never to late to bring hope to
your life, peace to your family, and joy in your journey. He knows the way
because He is the way. The gospel truly does our families and brings blessings
of protection, love, and joy. I AM SO THANKFUL FOR MY SAVIOR. Don't forget to
count your blessings and name them one by one!!!! I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH. CATCH
Love, Motra Sëtën
1. Awesome don't pee sign.
2. Exchanges w my FAV Sister Silver
3. Impressive double chins
4. Goodbye to the strict
5. I ate frog legs!!!!
6. Me w another turtle
7. Ancient ruins from BEFORE CHRIST
8. Ancient monastery from the 13th century
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