My dear extraordinary youth, you were sent to earth at this precise time, the most crucial time in the history of the world, to help gather Israel. There is nothing happening on this earth right now that is more important than that. There is nothing of greater consequence. Absolutely nothing.This gathering should mean everything to you. This is the mission for which you were sent to earth. So my question to you is “Are you willing to enlist in the youth battalion of the Lord to help gather Israel?” Please think about it. -President Russell M. Nelson

Friday, June 5, 2020


WHAT IS COOKIN GOOD LOOKINS? This week was super fantastic! I hope you are all just doing fine and dandy this summer morning. Cootos to those who read my novel emails each week. I love you all! This week I said some goodbyes to my cute sisters from my mtc group who are heading home! I still have a few weeks left here WOOHOO I AM SO LUCKY. We are especially lucky because people have started inviting us over for meals and wowzers I have missed that interaction (and the food of course) SOO MUCH. It was so great! 

1. I may have mentioned this before... but Albanians don't have dryers!! We hang dry everything! This will lead to a good story down below:) 
2. Albanians usually don't have bathtubs. If they do, they are SO TINY HAHA. They are made for hobbits I think. 
3. They make a lot of natural flower juices and çaj teas!! They are super scrumptious. My favorites are the rose flavored ones! Right from the petal! 

1. This week I may or may not have exploded our washing machine. I put a load of white laundry in there and it was making quite a racket but I didn't think anything of it. Well, the next time I went to go check on my laundry I found an entire bathroom FLOODED. HAHA. I don't quite know what happened other than I was forced to basically swim to get my clothes out of the broken machine. Eveything was SOAKED HAHA. So I spent a good long while wringing out all my clothes and had to end up washing everything by hand which was quite fun but not something I want to do again. I was super wet too from wringing out my clothes you would have thought I took a bath. Haha it was so messy!!!!! I am getting used to this "no dryer" thing though. I love when my clothes dry like cardboard!!!!! 
2. One of the elders got a spikeball net for Christmas and he let us borrow it so that we could practice. We are having a tournament soon so I started to train Sister Long. We set the net up in one of the rooms and are getting pretty professional. Sister Long has never played before but she is gonna WRECK HAVOC when we let her loose!!! We are so pumped. Our downstairs neighbors kind of hate us but the people at the park LOVE US because we are quite the entertainment to say the least. Spikeball is absolutely not a thing in Albania so we get the best looks when we play!!! 
3. Since we aren't TOTALLY free yet we decided to surprise some of our older members by "heart attacking" them! We took another member with us and we had a blast! She had never heard of "heart attacking" before and she LOVED IT SO MUCH. Then the funniest thing happened! As we were writing the notes and taping them to one of the doors this guy started talking to us and encouraging us saying it looked good! When we turned around we came to find out that he was the husband of one of our members! Haha he is awesome. He was very concerned that the hearts we were putting on the door would make men want to steal his cute lil wife's heart. He said, "Enough hearts! All the men in the neighborhood are going to want to steal her from me!" He said he won't tell her though so that is good:) Another funny moment happened when we went to a different house and they OPENED THE DOOR as we were taping the hearts on! They didn't see us because they got called back inside and shut the door! Haha it was SO FUNNY AND TERRIFYING. I love being like a spy! 

Recently, we have been teaching and helping one of our new friends. She has been struggling to forgive herself for her past sins so repentance and forgiveness have been a major topic for both our studies and our lessons. 

I have learned this, we are NEVER out of reach from the Savior's loving arms and His Atonement. No sin is too grievous for us to seek repentance and forgiveness. We can always come back. We can always return to Him. His arms are always open. It is never too late. Repentance is ALWAYS an option! 

Elder Jeffrey R. Holland said, "When we are lost, we can “come to ourselves,” but we may not always be able to “find ourselves,” and, worlds without end, we cannot “save ourselves.” Only the Father and His Only Begotten Son can do that. Salvation is in Them only. So we pray that They will help us, that They will “come out” to meet and embrace us and bring us into the feast They have prepared.They will do this! The scriptures are replete with the promise that God’s grace is sufficient." 

We make mistakes every single day. Don't run from Him, run to Him! Sometimes we are so ashamed of ourselves that we think Jesus is too but he is not. He stands waiting to embrace us and help us continue along. His path is always lit for us. When you have repented and entered back on the path that leads unto eternal life, forgive yourself and forget the parts that hurt! The Savior's Atonement will heal you! I have experienced this in my own life and I know that as you study the Atonement every day you will see its power in your life! <3 LOVE YOU ALL SO VERY MUCH!! 

Love, Motra Sëtën 

1. Some Albanian food! (Lentil soup, bread, crab/egg fried stuff, german salads, and some yummy sauces) 
3. Heart attack!!!
4. Our friend photo shopped our photo onto a different photo 
5. Spikeball champs!!! 

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