Well howdy folks!!! HAPPY MAY. This week has been PACKED like a can of sardines with lots of interaction with the other missionaries and some of our friends! It has been a hoot! We had transfers, did some singing together for this project a member has going on, and we had mega zone conference with the whole mission! Mega zone conference wasn't anything too new because we have continued to skype each other daily for doctrinal studies with President Anderson! But it has been a wonderful week full of many many miracles. Not to mention that the SUN IS SHINING AND THINGS ARE LITTLE BY LITTLE OPENING UP IN THE CITY WOO HOO!!
Culture Shocks:
1. Albanians often take pride in the cleanliness of their houses because they mop like daily. This is interesting to me because they are definitely not the cleanest people...
2. Mopeds are super popular here! I swear everyone drives one of those things.
3. You know you are in Albania when you are in the middle of the city yet your neighbors roosters still wake you up at 5:30 AM ;)
1. This week we saved a turtle!! It was "turtlly" awesome. Heheh. He was just crossing the road and almost got hit by a car but we saved him and he is doing better now. I love the random animals we see crossing the road here
. I've seen goats, cows, chickens (we know what happens when they cross the road), turtles, dogs, cats, porcupines, and many more wonderful lil creatures. How fun!!
2. We moved into our new house this week and I made a mistake. There were these tablets that looked like vitamins and since we don't have vitamins here I was stoked! I totally ate it and immediately my mouth began to start foaming uncontrollably and I couldn't stop hiccuping or sneezing for a solid 30 minutes HAHAHA. My belly was doing flip-flops and having a freaking hayday! It turns out that one of those tablets was actually one of those caffeinated fizzy things that go in your drink but let me tell ya, those things require like 2 liters of water but instead it just had my saliva and it tried to kill me!! Sister Long couldn't stop laughing at me hahaha not to mention that she decided that she will never ever be giving me caffeine after later experiences that night!!!
3. Today we threw an Japanese fiesta in honor of quatro de mayo or "may the fourth be with you" otherwise known as "katër maj". It was such a good day!! We ordered over 60$ worth of sushi HAHAHA IT WAS SO MUCH AND SO GOOD. I hope you all do some festing today!!
I LOVE THE GOSPEL. I LOVE MY HEAVENLY FATHER. I just want to testify of our Father in Heaven. He is real!!! He is OUR Father! And he loves us oh so dearly. It sunk deep in my heart this week that we all are truly sons and daughters of God. What a divine concept. We have unlimited and divine potential to become inheritors of His kingdom. We have divine spirits that were created in the premortal life. He knows us down to our very cores and loves us more than we can even fathom. We don't live aimlessly, not knowing where we have been or where we are headed! Likewise, Heavenly Father didn't create the earth and is now preoccupied unable to hear or answer our prayers. How devestated he must be when we don't trust Him enough to look unto Him in our moments of distress. He created us simply so that we could have joy and He, in turn, helps us find joy EVERYDAY. Some of the happiest times on my mission have come when I have noticed the change in those people who begin to understand that they truly are a beloved son or daughter of God. Understanding this eternal truth inspires, motivates, encourages, and changes our very human nature. Some of my favorite verses in the Book of Mormon say, "12 And according to his faith there was a mighty change wrought in his heart. Behold I say unto you that this is all true.13 And behold, he preached the word unto your fathers, and a mighty change was also wrought in their hearts, and they humbled themselves and put their trust in the true and living God. And behold, they were faithful until the end; therefore they were saved.14 And now behold, I ask of you, my brethren of the church, have ye spiritually been born of God? Have ye received his image in your countenances? Have ye experienced this mighty change in your hearts?" (Alma 5) I encourage you all to ask yourselves these questions and strive to seek out God in your everyday life. He speaks to us. He hears us! And we MUST hear him! What does your relationship with God look like? Or do you even have one? If you don't know where to start you can simply kneel down and thank Him for the many things you have been blessed with. A prayer of gratitude can lead to many miracles. I believe in a loving God of many miracles. Believe in Him as He believes in you!! I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH. HAVE A FANTASTIC, WONDERFUL, SUPER DUPER WEEK!
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