My dear extraordinary youth, you were sent to earth at this precise time, the most crucial time in the history of the world, to help gather Israel. There is nothing happening on this earth right now that is more important than that. There is nothing of greater consequence. Absolutely nothing.This gathering should mean everything to you. This is the mission for which you were sent to earth. So my question to you is “Are you willing to enlist in the youth battalion of the Lord to help gather Israel?” Please think about it. -President Russell M. Nelson

Monday, September 30, 2019

Air quacks & TRANSFERS

HEY IT IS MOTRA SËTËN HERE!! I am just smiling and happy to be here because we had transfer calls this week and boom-chick-a-boom I am staying in KOSOVO. Honestly, I could stay here my whole mission and I wouldn't be mad. This is the best place!! I am so so so so sad to leave my comp though :( We are best friends. She is going to Albania in a mountainy place called Pogradec. This will be a hard split :( But we are happy!!! We had a crazy week with transfer calls, sisters conference, and a huge earthquake so that was fun!!!! Our cute German senior couple calls them "air quacks" or "erf fraks"

1. Albanians/Kosovars don't have the best emergency program for natural disasters... there was a 5.8 earthquake in Albania this past week and it was nuts. Almost all the buildings have huge cracks (because EVERYTHING is made out of concrete). We totally felt the earthquake in Prishtina too!!!!! That is like the first one I have consciously felt which is weird considering I live on a fault line... 
2. My mission includes 5 countries, 5 main languages, and tons of different currency options. In Albania they use Leke and in Kosovo they use Euro which did in fact leave us stranded in Albania for a hot sec when we couldn't pay for parking with leke hahaha. 
3. Singing and dancing are very foreign to the people here. We did some awesome music contacting this week and it was so successful because it is SO DIFFERENT THAN THEIR CULTURE. They absolutely loved it. 

1. So on Sunday Prishtina decided to have "anti-car" day for some environmental clean up thing. That meant that there were no buses and the roads were all closed so it was a struggle to get to church. We had a small sacrament meeting to say the least... We have this wonderful member, Veziko, who is the oldest member in the branch (age wise) and she is dang hilarious. She was actually able to make it to church which was awesome! Anyways, she can't hear very well and she loves to talk so you can just imagine how awesome our conversations are with her.
2. Since Sister Mann will be leaving on Tuesday to Albania we decided that we needed to buy her last oreo shake from Burger King!!! (Basically the only chain restaurant we have) So we decided to go through the drive-thru and I was speaking to the guy through the speaker and he told me they didn't have oreo shakes so I was like " WHAT, WHY" he started to explain that they had them they just weren't called shakes but at the same time he was trying to explain some kids came over begging for money sticking their hands inside the windows and everyone was yelling between the people in the car, the kids, and the worker guy it was a mess. I started driving with the kids halfway in our car because we had to move the car and wow that was something else. We begged them for crowns and gave them out so we all ended up happy!!! Lesson learned: the drive-thru is a no-go. 
3. We had an awesome lesson this week with our friend Korab who is getting baptized in 2 weeks!!! We are so excited for him!! He is so stinkin funny. During our lesson we were talking about happiness and how the gospel makes us so happy and he mentioned how he could totally see the light inside of me and the elders!! Then he looks at sister Mann (who was quiet and listening) and says, " If the gospel makes them (pointing at us) so happy what the heck is wrong with you?" I was dying laughing oh my goodness. She is so happy she is just quiet HAHA. Albanians are so honest wow. 

There is a talk I really like given by Elder Uchtdorf in which he said, "Perhaps it’s disappointing to hear that God won’t necessarily give you a detailed itinerary for your life’s journey. But do you really want direction in every detail of your life? Do you really want someone giving you the cheat codes to life before you have a chance to figure things out for yourself? What kind of adventure would that be?" 

Life is quite the adventure and making decisions is such an awesome part!!!! Sometimes things happen and often times we don't know why. However, the people you meet,  the places you go, and the experiences you have all are part of your adventure. They all happen for a reason. We have a friend here that cannot be baptized at this time because of her family. And that is okay!! When we do the small things perfectly, everything fits into place. When we do the small things perfectly we are able to see the eternal perspective. We can see why!! I have a testimony of my Savior that he lives and loves us very much. He wants us to live our adventures with smiles written in our hearts. Remember that our Heavenly Father is very aware of you and your questions. Seek him!!! 

Pics: QUEENS, pretty sunset, flowersss, me and my bestie madweb at sisters conf, pretty cathedral. 

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